Welcome to Summer Sensations. I am glad you are joining this cheerful hop full of summer fun. Thank you Marian at Seams To Be Sew for all the time and energy you devote to organizing these blog hops.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I am sharing Summer Sensations today with these creative stitchers. So please visit their sites and do not forget to leave a comment for a chance to win a $ 25:00 gift certificate from The Fat Quarter Shop. Then head over to Marians at Seams To Be Sew and register your entry at Rafflecopter.
One of the tastiest summer treats for me is strawberries. A little community in Cape Breton always begins summer activities in a delicious way by hosting a strawberry festival.
Fresh strawberries, biscuits, oatcakes and a cup of tea draw many community members to enjoy a very tasty Sunday afternoon together
As a volunteer the proper attire has to be a strawberry print apron.
So many cute strawberry prints can be found. Although after stitching this table mat I thought the design could also pass for a tomato. :)
I stitched some of the strawberry prints with the intention of making a table runner using the Dresden pattern. I did not line the runner because the more I looked at it I could visualize a quilt. I see some quality time with my seam ripper in my future. Does anyone else change their mind half way through a project?
And if strawberries do not work for you maybe an ice cream bar will do the trick. Marian is giving away a cute pattern each day of the hop so visit her at Seams To Be Sew.
Thank You for visiting. Have a sensational summer.