Thursday, October 27, 2016



Welcome to Day 6 of a spooky Halloween blog hop. Marian of Seams To Be Sew and Amy of Sew Incredibly Crazy have done a great job of keeping the witches brew stirred with magic potions from so many scary stitchers.  Kitty seems to be checking out the competition for Halloween night. Visit today's witchy stitchers and see their creations. And you might just win an awesome prize of Aurifil thread if you leave a comment. 


              Check out all the hoppers in Eerie nights at :                             Sew Incredibly Crazy: The Eerie Hop

My first project was black cat place mats. And they did get kitty cat approval for spookiness.

Pumpkins are essential to Halloween and after seeing this cute pattern I knew I needed a table runner. Part of this hop challenge was to show an older project. My witch has survived at least 25 years and has aged well but does need a dye job. The cute hand quilted cushion was a gift from long ago which surfaces every fall. My real pumpkins are less likely to be carved than to be used to create pumpkin jam from a recipe that my mother used when I was a child. 

And cats always watch over and are in control of their domain as they stretch lazily on a fall quilt.

 This is a UFO which I am sure the ghouls did not want me to finish this week because they took control of my sewing machine time. It is too cute not to share. 

So brew some tea and enjoy the other EERIE blog projects.

Think of all the stitches you could create if you won this thread. So do not forget to comment and to fill in the Rafflecopter.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Repeat QAL

~Quilt ~ Eat ~ Sleep ~ Repeat~

I joined Elm Street Quilts for their QAL this summer. 


My intention to stitch a white background and colored letters was lost when I spotted these colors in stash. Must have been the summer heat which led me to the print.

The pattern had easy to stitch paper-pieced letters.  And Patty just came out with a Chunky Alphabet pattern which looks like fun. I can see more names in the future. 

I reached the stage of a flimsy. Quilting to come.....

In sunlight with the light streaming behind the quilt has a stained glass window effect. The dark shadowed blocks still have their paper backing. Surreal looking.

 Join Patty at Elm Street Quilts where different visions are shown. Sew neat to see the variation in colors.

Have a great stitching day,

I could not resist such cute frogs especially when they matched my fabric. Happy Thursday.


Monday, July 25, 2016


Summer Sensations

Welcome to Summer Sensations. I am glad you are joining this  cheerful hop full of summer fun.  Thank you Marian at Seams To Be Sew for all the time and energy you devote to organizing these blog hops.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I am sharing Summer Sensations today with these creative stitchers. So please visit their sites and do not forget to leave a comment for a chance to win a  $ 25:00 gift certificate from The Fat Quarter Shop.  Then head over to Marians at Seams To Be Sew and register your entry at Rafflecopter.  

                                             Seacoast Quilter
                                             TeaTime Creations
                                             I Can Quilt 2
                                             Seams To Be Sew


One of the tastiest summer treats for me is strawberries. A little community in Cape Breton always begins summer activities in a delicious way by hosting a strawberry festival.

Fresh strawberries, biscuits, oatcakes and a cup of tea draw many community members to enjoy a very tasty Sunday afternoon together

As a volunteer the proper attire has to be a strawberry print apron.

So many cute strawberry prints can be found. Although after stitching this table mat I thought the design could also pass for a tomato.  :) 

I stitched some of the strawberry prints with the intention of making a table runner using the Dresden pattern. I did not line the runner because the more I looked at it I could visualize a quilt. I see some quality time with my seam ripper in my future. Does anyone else change their mind half way through a project? 

And if strawberries do not work for you maybe an ice cream bar will do the trick. Marian is giving away a cute pattern each day of the hop so visit her at Seams To Be Sew.

Thank You for visiting. Have a sensational summer.

Monday, June 6, 2016



  What a delight to join Marian's blog hop on Opposites Attract. She challenged us to stitch projects using two, three at most contrasting colors. 

Red and White were my choices. I began by pulling reds  from my stash. Since it was snowing on April 16 nature provided the perfect white chilliness. RED is a color associated with heat, passion, activity, anger, joy and love while WHITE has been defined as a color without hue, a sign of innocence, of goodness, of cleanliness, of light and neutrality and a sign of purity.

There are so many variations of red. This simple nine patch block stitched into a delightful table covering for tea. 

I took this picture on June 7. From the same deck that the snow picture was taken back in April. A beautiful, warm sunny Sunday. Great for sitting out. 

Nothing is prettier in red and white than our Canadian flag. A new flag print was a must buy. Bordering red crazy hearts it will be a perfect accessory for July 1 Canada Day celebrations.

I added a third color, shades of brown, to this banner. It is a All People Quilt pattern - Sidewalk Cafe - which was on my "to do" for a long time. 

My intention to add a red applique name above Cafe disappeared when I saw the latest fabric with license plate names for the 2016 Row By Row.  The words were perfect and it does have a cheerful red bird nesting above "Happy".  

Marian's design of Sewing Notions symbols were perfect for the banner. (Available in her Craftsy shop)

I am stitching the Pat Sloan's Splendid Sampler using random scraps. So I will now have cheerful red blocks in the quilt.

This is one of the earliest patterns I made from a magazine many years ago. It is red squares with white lace corner pockets. We use it in our church at Mothers Day where we ask if anyone wishes to include names of mothers, those with us or those gone before, they will be honored on their special day with prayers. When I stitched this I never imagined it would be used this way. 

An ideal day to see the world in red and white.

So brew a cuppa and visit all the creative ladies as they explore the attraction of opposites.  

Thank you Marian for giving us this opportunity to explore sew many opposites. 

                                                                June 06
                                                               Mary Mack’s Blog
                                                              Tea Time Creations
                                                                      123 Quilt
                                                                Sew Many Yarns

 And if you would like to win a prize : This hop has two great giveaways during it’s run.. Each day a $25.00 gift certificate fromThe Fat Quartershop will be given away, and DJ Inkers will be giving away a cd of their wonderful Kids All Year CD (If your an international winner, you will receive a download link)