Say It With Flowers
Ralph Waldo Emerson believed that "The Earth Laughs In Flowers". He would be smiling if he could view all the blog blossoms.
We have two very special ladies who encourage us to bloom as we create our flowers. Carol (Just Let Me Quilt) is our own personal cheerleader while Mdm. Samm (Sew We Quilt) inspires us to create sew many things. Thank you ladies.
Welcome to my version of a fabric flower garden.
A watering can is essential for any healthy garden. And who can resist bunnies hopping about.
I stitch Sunbonnet Sue theme blocks. Someday I will have enough for a quilt. Sue waters her flowers while her fan club members stand guard.
I was asked to create a banner for our local gardening club. I went to an initial meeting with a sketchbook, ideas and fabric swatches. Among the fabric samples was a panel with birds. They loved it. I am glad we have fabric artists who gift us with wonderful images. Quilting around the birds and flowers, applique names and the addition of a songbird fence gave them a very pretty banner.
When my sewing machine was new I practiced the stitches on this hanging which I gave as a gift. I saw it recently during a visit and thought it would be an interesting subject for Say It With Flowers.
Still a saucy cat even if he is facing the other direction. Must be catnip in the flowers.
Thank you for strolling through my garden. Check out the other blooms at today's blogs.
May 29th
Scrap Happy Sunday
I am once again joining Kim at Kim's Big Quilting Adventure for another Scrap Basket Sunday.
Is there anything prettier than a newly stitched quilt top blowing in the breeze?
Nice to have The Quilt Journey stitched. Made a miniscule dent in the basket of scraps. ( 455 2 1/2 inch squares )
Sew glad you stopped by.
It's For The Birds
I want to chirp, chirp, chirp about all the birdy creations flying around blog land on Mdm Samm's "It's For The Birds" blog hop. With head birder Mary guiding all the fledglings from the nest a truly creative and varied flock appears.
With so many different birds to pick from I have a hard choice. I began with a new bag.
A bird who sews would be special indeed. I found this pattern in Quilter'sWorld, April 2013.

This sweet bird is "Livin' The Tweet Life". He will eventually live in a quilt.

We are gathering for a family reunion this summer. Birds of A Feather Flock Together seemed perfect for a wall hanging to celebrate the gathering.
Heritage counts so the birds came fashionably dressed in Nova Scotia, Cape Breton and maple leaf tartans. All the family will gather together in the nest which nurtured our ancestors.
Wise Old Owl
A wise old owl sat on a oak,
The more he sat, the less he spoke.
The less he spoke, the more he heard,
Why can't we be like that wise old bird ?
My new pillow came from a kit "Who Who" by Kitty Kat Creations. This sat as a UFO on my shelf for a long time. A perfect chance to finish stitching. And when I bought those buttons I had no idea where I would use them. They make perfect, if not scary eyes.
These two young ladies visited an Aunt last summer and tried applique for the first time. They stitched wonderful owl pillows.
Sew glad you stopped by to see my feathered friends. Visit the other nests for more inspiration.
Tuesday, May 14
Joining Kim and other stitchers at
Worked on 2.5 inch squares this week. Thought I was ready for sashing but am short 2 blocks. You would have thought I was able to count by now...
Webster defines scraps as fragments too small to use which are ready to be discarded. These tiny pieces are too pretty to throw out.
A friend is downsizing and gifted me with many of her "scraps". As tasty a gift as chocolate.
Sew put the kettle on and have a great stitching Sunday.